The Beans & Books

The Quiet Visitor

The Quiet Visitor

Did you see it arrive last night?Softly, without a sound,Slipping through the cracks of the world,As if it were invited in. It didn’t knock or announce itself,Just brushed its fingers...

The Quiet Visitor

Did you see it arrive last night?Softly, without a sound,Slipping through the cracks of the world,As if it were invited in. It didn’t knock or announce itself,Just brushed its fingers...

Do I Stay or Do I Go?

Do I Stay or Do I Go?

Life has this funny way of handing you moments where you stop, look around, and realize you've reached a crossroads. That's where I am right now, standing at the intersection...

Do I Stay or Do I Go?

Life has this funny way of handing you moments where you stop, look around, and realize you've reached a crossroads. That's where I am right now, standing at the intersection...

My Cold Brew Obsession: Thank you, DragUp Coffee

My Cold Brew Obsession: Thank you, DragUp Coffee

Let's talk about one of my favorite subjects: coffee. Specifically, cold brew coffee. It's not just a drink; it's a lifestyle, a love language, and--if I'm being completely honest--a necessity. I don't...

My Cold Brew Obsession: Thank you, DragUp Coffee

Let's talk about one of my favorite subjects: coffee. Specifically, cold brew coffee. It's not just a drink; it's a lifestyle, a love language, and--if I'm being completely honest--a necessity. I don't...

Book Chat: Travel Far, Pay No Fare by Anne Lindbergh

Book Chat: Travel Far, Pay No Fare by Anne Lind...

Have you ever read a book that just sticks with you, like it's become a part of your DNA? That happens to me sometimes. One example of this happening to...

Book Chat: Travel Far, Pay No Fare by Anne Lind...

Have you ever read a book that just sticks with you, like it's become a part of your DNA? That happens to me sometimes. One example of this happening to...

Just Show Up

Just Show Up

If there's one piece of writing advice I swear by, it's this: just show up. Writing doesn't always come easy. Some days, the words flow effortlessly, as if the muse is...

Just Show Up

If there's one piece of writing advice I swear by, it's this: just show up. Writing doesn't always come easy. Some days, the words flow effortlessly, as if the muse is...

Writing, Reading, and Proffee

Writing, Reading, and Proffee

There's something magical about the quiet hours of a cold evening when the world feels still, and all you have are your thoughts, your words, and a cup of something...

Writing, Reading, and Proffee

There's something magical about the quiet hours of a cold evening when the world feels still, and all you have are your thoughts, your words, and a cup of something...